LBPS online tune session on 1st February 2022


We are delighted to invite members to an online tune session on Tuesday 1st Feb at 7pm GMT

Our series of members’ sessions continues on Tuesday 1st Feb at 7pm GMT led this month by pipe maker from Lochalsh Ross Calderwood who is going to focus on a few tunes from Playford’s Country Dance Master which is music and instructions for English country dances, first published in 1651. Ross has transposed these for playing on an A chanter.  Some of the tunes need an F or C natural so you may need a bit of tape handy to get those notes! He can also transpose them to suit D or any other key if required.  Ross is also happy to answer questions (as a pipe maker he's well qualified to answer any instrument questions) and have some general piper chat on the night to catch up with what everyone has been doing.

Members can download the music from which the session tunes will be chosen here

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