The Society’s annual competition this year returned to Edinburgh.

The Society’s 26th Annual competition was held in Edinburgh again this year, after two years in Glasgow. One result was that the event wasonce more able to take advantage of the publicity and organization of the ‘Ceilidh Culture’ festival during which it occurred. Perhaps because of this, the day was well-attended by pipers and non-pipers alike. It was once again imperceptibly organised by the Society’s indefatigable Secretary, Judy Barker. The efficiency with which she achieves this task means that her efforts can go almost unnoticed.
Full results are given below, but a number of issues have arisen, particularly generated by comments made by those attending for the first time, at least two of whom had traveled across the world to take part.
Perhaps the most obvious issue is that of the ‘Novice’ and ‘Intermediate’ classes, the latter of which had only one entry this year, and the former had only one entry last year.  Standards have risen considerably over the last few years and as John McKay points out in his comments, the open classes are of such a standard as to discourage some from taking part. One suggestion has been made to create a ‘Gold Medal’ class with a prestigious prize and to rename the Intermediate Class. The Committee is considering this and other ways in which these classes can be re-organized and would be pleased to hear your thoughts.
Some comments by competitors:
“I thoroughly enjoyed myself. The light hearted atmosphere was a breath of fresh air when compared to the serious nature of some Highland piping competitions. It was my first time attending the competition but felt right at home after a warm welcome and introduction from Secretary Judy Barker, committee members and members of the audience. All in all, a fantastic day!”     [Clare Miller - Bagpipe Tutor]
“First let me say I very much enjoyed the day. It was busy, so that, thought I enjoyed meeting again old friends, there was very little time to do more than exchange greetings. I was sorry I didn't meet the one or two pipers from Brittany.
“I'm mentioning this, because the day was full & pleasant as I'd expected, but if people are to come from any distance that requires spending at least a night in town, there should be more: a place where we can meet & got to know some others, & where we can show off or exchange tunes.

If LBPS wants to encourage pipers new to the bellows pipes, I suggest they consider another solo class above the intermediate in which John MacKay played (in which you can enter once only), but below the open classes. It should have the limitation that a person could win it. say, twice only. I thoroughly enjoyed my time,”                                   [Pat Taylor]If LBPS wants to encourage pipers new to the bellows pipes, I suggest they consider another solo class above the intermediate in which John MacKay played (in which you can enter once only), but below the open classes. It should have the limitation that a person could win it. say, twice only. I thoroughly enjoyed my time,”                                   [Pat Taylor]

“The only real criticism of the weekend is that there was not a ceilidh or real social get together on the Friday night. I know most of you could drive home after the competition on Saturday but it would have been very nice to have had a good session; perhaps a dinner and then piping well into the night - just to get a little personal. Should I expect people to spend a night in Edinburgh once a year for the sake of the LBPS and the competition? Why not?”
[John MacKay, "Proud Winner of the 2010 Julian Goodacre Trophy"]
[Both John and Pat Taylor had traveled from London, Ontario to attend the competition. Their suggestions about an additional social session attached to the competition will be certainly be considered by the committee - Ed.]


Novice - Heriot & Allan Quaich    
No entries
Intermediate - Julian Goodacre Trophy
1.     John MacKay - All the night I lay with Jackey in my arms / The Heather Breeze
Seasoned Pipers - Nigel Richards Trophy
1.     Jim Buchanan - The Soft Lowland Tongue o’ the border (Trad. Arr K Den / James Urquhart), Liddesdale (6/8 March - W.P.Bell)/ The Voice of the borders (Phil Cunningham 2002)
2. (joint second)     David Hannay - A Carol, A Hymn: Henry Aitchison -Tommy Tully’s Air / The Argylls Crossing the River Po (3/4 March)
New Composition - London Trophy
1.(joint first)     Tiber Falzett - Cormac Cannon’s Reel : Bill Telfer - Border Ballad
3.     Claire Millar - Dave and Ange’s Wedding
Open Solo for Scottish Smallpipes - Colin Ross Trophy
1. Hamish Moore - MacGregor’s Search / St Joseph’s
2. Fin Moore - Braes of Tully Met / Wedding Reel / Dancing Feet
3. Euan Whitmore - Ass in Graveyard / Jigs 1 & 2 / Hornpipe
Duet for Pipes - Mains Castle Medal    
1. Fin Moore & Lawrence Thomson - Ann Blyth’s Waltz / Jean Mchlin / Scobie and the wasp
2. Matt Seattle and Bill Telfer - Wild Hills o’ Wannies / Holy Halfpenny    
3. Euan Whitmore & Jean Luc Lefaucheur - An Eala Bhan / Steam Train to Mallaig
Pipe and Song -  Jimmy Wilson Memorial Cup    
1. Judy Barker - The Invalid Regiment
2. Martin Lowe -    The Gallowa’ Hills
3. Pete Stewart -    Baron o’ Brackley
Pipe and Song Duet     
1. Judy Barker & Martin Lowe - The Banks of Sicily    
2. Linda Thomson & Lawrence Thomson - Queen Mary’s    
3. Martine Robertson & Hamish Moore - Puin Bracken
Duet for Pies and Other Instrument - Dunfermline Tassie
1. Fin Moore & Hamish Moore (Pipes & Fiddle) - Farewell to the Tay / Rocking Stone / Boys of Ballymont    
2. Jean Luc Lefaucheur & Tristan Le Govic (Pipes and Clarsach) - Braes of Lochiel / Gavotte Fisel
3. John MacKay & Neil MacKay (Pipes and Guitar) Sea of Love / St Joseph’s
Open Solo for Lowland/Border Pipes - Hamish Moore Cup    
1. Fin Moore Atom of Delight / Hey Jonny / Paddy Corina’s /    White Houses of Sheildiag    
2. Euan Whitmore - Por La Libertas / Seonaidh’s Tune/ Atholl Highlanders / Murray’s Fancy    
3. Jean Luc Lefaucheur     - Slow Air / Aires Pontevedia

New Compositions
Two of the prize-winning new compositions are printed here; unfortunately, Tiber Falzett ’s tune was not available at time of going to press. It will be included in the next issue.