Some thoughts on an essential piping craft, from SEUMAS BEAG (alias JIMMY WILSON, the society’s Honorary President).

I'm no the piper I should be,

I'm no the piper I could be.

But as sure as I'm a living sinner,

I'm the best wee pipe bag tie-er-inner.

My double-E, it's no quite right,

My taorluath—och, it's far too tight,

But at tying-in I'm sure a winner,

I'm the best wee pipe bag tie-er-inner.

I tie in bags, aa shapes and sizes,

Tae every problem my skill arises.

Swan necks, straight necks, skins

thick or thinner—

I'm the best wee pipe bag tile-er-inner.

The chanter stock angle— ‘tis exactly right,

The drones on the shoulder sit snug and tight.

‘tis plain to see I'm no beginner.

I'm the best wee pipe bag tic-er-inner.

One day, up there at the Pipers’ Cave,

I’ll beseech St. Peter my soul to save,

“Pass through," he'll cry, "Although a sinner,

“We need an expert wee tie-er-inner”.

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