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THE past year had been a good one for the Lowland and Border Pipers’ Society, said chairman Mike Rowan, giving his report to the society's annual meeting in the College of Piping, Glasgow, on June 9. Summing up the. events of the society's first year as a formally constituted organisation, he said that we now had a membership of 86 with no signs of growth slowing up. Interest was increasing in Lowland and small pipes throughout Scotland, as was demonstrated by Gordon Mooney's recent appointment as official Toun Piper to Linlithgow, and the fact that pipe makers such as Robbie Greensitt of Heriot and Allen and Colin Ross were making these pipes in response to growing demand.

Gordon Mooney's tutor was in preparation, again in response to considerable demand, although it had been held up slightly while sponsors were being found, Ettrick and Lauderdale District Council had expressed interest. Mike also thought that the report, published in May, of the Scottish Arts Council's working party on Scottish traditional arts suggested that more money might be made available to assist organisations such as ourselves. The society had also played an important part in saving an immaculate set of Union pipes, made by Robert Reid of North Shields in 1880, from being sold abroad by Sotheby's. The National Museum of Antiquities of Scotland had put up £3000 and ultimately bought the pipes for its collection for £4016, the Lowland and Border Pipers Society having given £1,200 towards this, raised by individual contributions, An article on the Reid pipes, and on an invaluable Piper's tune book which was purchased with it, will appear in the December issue of 'Common Stock'. The past year, continued Mike, had also seen the first issue of the society's own journal, ‘Common Stock’, and, of course, our first competition. He also paid tribute to the society's late honorary president Jimmy Wilson, who died in February, and who would be much missed. An appreciation of Jimmy will also

appear in the December ‘Common Stock’.


Chairman - Mike Rowan

Secretary - Jeannie Campbell

Minute Secretary - Jim Gilchrist

Treasurer - David Hannay

Musical Advisor - Gordon Mooney

Technical Advisors - Colin Ross & Robbie Greensitt