Record Reviews 1989: 'Going Solo' Ken Campbell, 'New Horizons' NPS
GOING SOLO Ken Campbell
(Fellside FEO 63/FEO 63c
WHEN I first met Ken Campbell I was struck by his warm and sincere personality. Undoubtedly these qualities permeate his first solo album. There is terrific material on this record and my particular favourites are the haunting songs Lassie o’ the Morning by Jack Foley and Kilbowie Hill by Andy Hunter.
There are also beautiful instrumentals by Ken on Northumbrian pipes, notably Lynsey Gray and Waterston Crook. The design, graphics and production are exemplary. Buy it - you will not regret it.
Northumbrian Pipers' Society (NPS 1)
THIS compendium of “state of the art" Northumbrian piping is a delight in all respects and all praise is due to those involved in its production.
The album ably demonstrates the musical versatility of today’s Northumbrian pipers and this versatility extends from breathtaking technical expertise to the sensitive and telling execution of slow airs in solo, duet and ensemble performances. Twenty-two people perform on the record and there are no weak links in this well balanced and constructed chain. Space here allows only a random few to be mentioned: Becky Taylor, Anthony and Carol Robb, Richard Butler and Tommy Waugh, Neil Smith, Ann Sessoms, Kim and John Bibby, Graham Dixon and Adrian Schofield.
The sleeve notes and insert are comprehensive and illuminating; the unpretentious sleeve design features a set of pipes made by Colin Ress, Indeed, once you have listened to this record you may be persuaded to take up the Northumbrian pipes, if you don’t already play them. The record is available from the
Northumbrian Pipers’ Society, The Literary and Philosophical Society of Newcastle on Tyne. Westgate Road. Newcastle on Tyne.