Pibroch Weekend  with Allan MacDonald: 21-23 April 2023 - Cancelled


Unfortunately, due to a low number of bookings, the LBPS Committee has regretfully decided to cancel this weekend event.

The date for this year’s Pibroch Weekend is 21st - 23rd April. Please accept our apologies for the change to the date originally published. As ever, the venue is the beautiful countryside of Allendale.

Allan MacDonald
Allan MacDonald
Allan has given advance notice that the tunes he’ll cover this year are:
MacLeod’s Salute
Lament for Donald Bàn MacCrimmon
Black Donald’s March
Nameless (Hiharin Hiotro)


Allan MacDonald is considered to be the most important individual in Gaelic culture of his generation. He won the Gold Medal at the 1984 Northern Meeting and followed this up with winning the Clasp twice there (in 1989 and 1990).

Allan has played Scottish smallpipes since the 1990s, accompanying himself singing pibroch in the more authentic and original style and Gaelic song rhythms of the music rather than the gentrified and Anglified style found on the competition platforms in the modern era. We are delighted he has agreed to lead this workshop once again.


The cost for the weekend will be £170 per person, with £20 refundable if there are eight or more participants.

. For more details and accommodation information, contact Chris Bacon on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

BOOKING FORM - This event is cancelled.

PRICE: £170.00
